In society, statements like "he's a perfectionist" still carry a positive connotation. The belief that a perfectionist is someone closest to perfection is deeply ingrained, but this is far from the truth. Perfectionists are considered to be individuals who are extremely preoccupied with achieving perfection, but paradoxically...
Jedan od današnjih najprisutnijih i najrazglašenijih poremećaja kod odraslih je posttraumatski stresni...
Jedan od najčešćih poremećaja dječje i adolescentske dobi je deficit pažnje ili...
Autistični poremećaji neurobiološki su razvojni poremećaji koji se javljaju u ranom djetinjstvu,...
Nasilje u školi je, nažalost, prisutno u cijelom svijetu. Istraživanja su pokazala...
Za pravilan razvoj djeteta iznimno je važan odnos u obitelji. Povjerenje i...
Svatko od nas u sebi nosi unutarnje dijete i unutarnju odraslu osobu....
“The authors of the articles are participants of the Amigdala Center. The articles are written as part of the collaboration with the Family Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the University of Zagreb, taken from the Family Center's website and published with their consent.”