The Eighth Symposium on Bioethics and the Aporias of the Psyche Held

The eighth international transdisciplinary symposium "Bioethics and the Aporias of the Psyche" was held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the University of Zagreb..

The Amigdala Center co-organized this year's event together with the Center for Bioethics at the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Bioethical Society, the Croatian Institute for Research and Evaluation of Mental Health (HIIEMZ), the Scientific Center of Excellence for Integrative Bioethics, the Andrija Štampar School of Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Philosophical Society, the Croatian Association of Mental Health Organizations (SUMEZ), the International Academy of Sciences and Arts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Croatian Association for Philosophical Practice.

The themes of this year's symposium at the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the University of Zagreb included the culture of empathy and mental health, philosophical practice focused on working with special groups, existential psychotherapy in a contemporary context, and the improvement and protection of mental health in the community.

The symposium follows a long-standing tradition of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary meetings and dialogues among experts from various disciplines, ranging from psychology, psychiatry, and sociology to philosophy, neuroscience, anthropology, religious studies, theology, law, and various cultural and artistic domains, explained Asst. Prof. Luka Janeš, PhD.president of the symposium's Organizing Committee, to the Universitas portal:

Experts and enthusiasts are gathered on the platform of bioethical sensitivity, focused on evaluating and resolving issues related to the human psyche and mental health in general. With a special focus on the destigmatization of people with mental health difficulties and the destigmatization of those working within the psychiatric system. As every year so far, the goal is to initiate various projects and initiatives of general social significance related to the protection of mental health of individuals and society.

This year's symposium brought together presenters from 13 countries, with plenary presentations delivered by: world-renowned Danish philosopher Dan Zahavi on the topic "To Be You – or Not," the most cited Croatian psychiatrist, emeritus Miro Jakovljević, with a contribution titled "The Culture of Empathy and the Promotion of Mental Health," Spanish practical philosopher José Barrientos-Rastrojo on "Philosophical Interventions in the Third Sector (from prisons to associations working with impoverished children and teenagers, addicts, prostitutes, and immigrants)."

Serbian psychiatrist Danijela Tiosavljević addressed the plenary session with the topic "Sources of Moral and Amoral Behavior – Are Moral Revolutions Possible?", and Croatian Jesuit, psychologist, and theologian Mijo Nikić presented "Empathy and Mercy in Integral Anthropology."

The presentation program was enriched with interactive workshops and the presentation of the collection of works "Philosophy, Bioethics, and Mental Health."The official languages of the symposium were Croatian and English. The symposium was held in a hybrid format, including live presentations and an online module. Participation in all sessions and workshops was free.